T4C at the 10th ADB International Skills Forum
Manila 17–19 October 2023

We are delighted to announce that Giovanni Crisonà graced the spotlight at the prestigious 10th ADB International Skills Forum, held in Manila from October 17 to 19, 2023, as he passionately championed the T4C initiatives. This pivotal event, themed "A New Era of Digitalized and Climate Resilient Human and Social Development," brought together leading voices in education, policy, and industry to navigate the future of skills development in our ever-evolving world.

A Vision for the Future of Education

The ADB Forum tackled the pressing need to redefine education to meet the demands of a rapidly changing landscape. In a world heavily influenced by technology, the vision for education must adapt to keep talent in sync with evolving employer requirements and the aspirations of the youth.

Education and training are formidable tools in the hands of policymakers to steer through disruptions and leverage technological advances for the benefit of marginalized communities.

Tracks4Crafts at the Forefront

Mr. Crisonà presented the Tracks4Crafts (T4C) Initiative, a groundbreaking project that aims to safeguard traditional crafts by enhancing their economic and societal value. T4C recognizes the crucial role of skills development in preserving cultural heritage and environmental protection.

This initiative takes center stage in a world transformed by the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the potential of digital platforms, generative AI, big data, and more. It offers a ray of hope to counter the learning crisis, address the skills gap in the digital and green transitions, and provide pathways for the future workforce.

Forging Collaborations on the Horizon

During this illustrious event, Mr. Crisonà engaged with numerous delegates, exploring the potential for collaboration. These discussions were so promising that he will soon present a cooperation template to these esteemed partners.

The ADB International Skills Forum stands as a beacon of innovation and collaboration in the realm of education and skills development. It brings together governments, academia, the private sector, international organizations, and global experts to envision a brighter future.

A New Chapter Unfolds

Our participation in this forum marks a significant stride for the Tracks4Crafts Initiative. The potential synergies emerging from these discussions hold the promise of expanding the impact of T4C to benefit traditional crafts and skills development globally.

As we look forward to the cooperative endeavors that lie ahead, we remain committed to safeguarding traditional crafts and promoting skill development to thrive in the digital and green transitions.

Stay tuned for more updates on this exciting journey. Together, we can redefine education and skills development for a brighter future!

#EducationTransformation #SkillsDevelopment #ADBForum

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Preserving and Elevating Crafts in a High-Tech World: Fostering Their Economic and Societal Valuation