GDPR and copyrights

The Tracks4Crafts website:

Webmaster: CSCS   

For any comments on the website, please contact the project's Communication and Dissemination Manager at:

CSCS Centro Studi Cultura Sviluppo

Tax Code 90018160474

Via Puccini 80

51100 Pistoia


For any claim or complaint, please make your request exclusively by e-mail or surface letter.

In line with the Italian law and the European General Data Protection Regulations, please find here our GDPR statement which defines clearly who is Responsible for  personal data and how it uses and protects any information provided when using this website or contacting by other means. Tracks4Crafts is a project partnership committed to ensuring that personal data remains private and protected, and that it provides transparency concerning how it processes any personal information. Should Tracks4Crafts request certain information by which an individual can be identified, we confirm that it will only be used for the purposes explicitly stated.

T4C’s GDPR statement for personal data protection policy for websites and newsletter

What is our legal framework?

All personal data are processed in accordance with the Italian PERSONAL DATA PROTECTION CODE Containing provisions to adapt the national legislation to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016  on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC .

Why do we process personal data?

Personal data are processed in order to manage subscriptions, distribute and evaluate the T4C Newsletter, and to inform users of events organised around key T4C publications, such as conferences, webinars, background briefings and other events. Personal data are also processed in order to inform further analysis on how to improve and develop the T4C project.

What is the legal basis for processing personal data?

Personal data are processed by the CSCS because the user consented to this processing by providing the personal data requested in subscribing to the T4C newsletter. Users may withdraw their consent at any time by contacting this e-mail address   . All processing of personal information will stop once the user withdraw the consent; however, any processing that has already taken place remains lawful.

Who is responsible for processing your personal data?

The CSCS is the controller for the processing of your personal data. The T4C team of CSCS is responsible for this processing.

CSCS Centro Studi Cultura Sviluppo

Tax Code 90018160474

Via Puccini 80

51100 Pistoia


Who will be the recipients of your personal data?

The recipients of your personal data (including entities who have access to that personal data) are authorised staff members of the CSCS, as well as authorised staff members of T4C project partners and subcontractors, all based in the European Union.

What categories of personal data are collected?

The T4C newsletter / website may process the following personal data:

  • email address

  • sector

  • country

  • where you heard about the T4C project

  • social media platforms used

  • topics of interest

  • tracking measures such as opens and clicks

How long will the T4C keep personal data?

Personal data will be stored for as long as the user is  subscribed to the T4C Newsletter. If you choose to unsubscribe, your personal data will be deleted within three months.

Who can you contact for queries or requests?

You can exercise your rights by contacting the CSCS team for the T4C project. You can also directly contact the CSCS’s Data Protection Officer for all queries relating to your personal data.

Data protection rights and right to lodge complaints with the supervisory authority

Under certain conditions you have the right to ask the CSCS:

  • access to your personal data,

  • the copy of the personal data that you have provided to us (so-called portability),

  • the rectification of the personal data in our possession,

  • the deletion of any personal data for which we no longer have any legal basis for processing,

  • opposition to processing where required by applicable law

  • the revocation of your consent, in the event that the processing is based on consent;

  • the limitation of the way in which we process your personal data, within the limits established by the legislation for the protection of personal data.

The exercise of these rights is subject to some exceptions aimed at safeguarding the public interest (for example the prevention or identification of crimes) and our interests (for example the maintenance of professional secrecy). In the event that you exercise any of the aforementioned rights, it will be CSCS responsibility to verify that you are entitled to exercise them and we will generally respond within one month.

For any complaints or reports on the methods of processing of your data we will make every effort to respond to your concerns. However, if you wish, you can forward your complaints or reports to the authority responsible for data protection, using the relevant contact details:

Garante per la protezione dei dati personali – Piazza di Monte Citorio n. 121 – 00186 ROMA

– Fax: (+39) 06.69677.3785 – Telephone: (+39) 06.696771 – E-mail: - Certified mail:


This entire website concerns the international legislation on copyright and intellectual property. All reproduction rights are reserved, including downloadable documents and illustrations and photographs. Reproduction of all or part of this site on an electronic medium whatsoever is strictly prohibited unless express permission of the publication director.

The reproduction of texts from this site on paper is possible for personal use or for educational title under certain conditions:

  • free distribution;

  • respect for the integrity of the documents reproduced: no modifications or alterations of any kind;

  • clear and visible citation of the information source as follows, for example: “This document comes from the website of the Tracks4Crafts project. The Internet address must appear in the reference. For other uses, please contact us.

  • The reproduction of texts, tables, graphics, images from this site on a support-paper or electronically is prohibited:

  • in a commercial or distribution purpose;

  • from repeated or systematic extraction of material protected or not of the website causing to it any prejudice;

  • rom links mechanism. Especially during the presentation of a website page in frames not belonging to this website, using the techniques of “Framing” or of the “in line linking” (use of an element in an external site).

Website modification

The editorial team reserves the right to modify or correct the content of this site and this legal notice at any time and without notice.

User communications

It is expressly prohibited to record or transmit to and from this site, illegal communications, threatening, insulting, defamatory, obscene, pornographic or contrary to national, European or international laws, regardless of the medium used (e-mail or video file).


It is to the user of this site to take all appropriate measures to protect its own data and / or software from contamination by viruses circulating on the Internet. The Tracks4Crafts project cannot be held responsible for direct or indirect damages resulting from the use of its website or other sites linked to it, especially because of non-access to its site of Internet-related malfunctions, the site host or host part of the site or service interruption due to maintenance or updating.

The website is hosted in Italy and governed by Italian law.

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsi­ble for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Horizon Europe

Tracks4Crafts - T4C project is funded by the European Union under grant agreement No 101094507. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Commission.

Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them. 




Via Puccini 80

51100 Pistoia



CSCS’s full GDPR legal statement and information under Italian Law