A Video Contest to showcase the remarkable excellence within the handicraft sector


Do you have a passion for textiles? Do you appreciate the artistry, innovation, and cultural significance of craftsmanship in the textiles sector?

Showcase your creativity and storytelling: submit your video!

Theme: Celebrate Craftsmanship's Innovation or Cultural Significance in the Textiles Sector


Register now  

The contest is open to anyone who is interested in the handicrafts world and wants to give a contribution to this theme and sector.

Submit your video

You have time until August 30, 2024. See the instructions on how to create and deliver your 2-5 minute video.

Get your prize

We’ll notify winners by September 30, 2024. The prize winner will also receive an invitation to 3 big events.

  What we value




  What you get

 500€ prize for the winner

 The prize winner will receive an         exclusive invitation to three         distinguished events



                    The Tracks4Crafts video contest is open to anyone who is interested in the handicrafts world and wants to give a contribution of any kind to this theme and sector. This includes but it is not restricted to individual artisans and craft makers, students, organisations, institutional bodies, agencies, unions and associations. 

                    All applicants are invited to submit their ideas or cases of craftsmanship's resilience, innovation, and enduring cultural significance. Participation is free of charge and is strongly encouraged in every handicraft sub-sectors.

                    The winner will receive a 500 euros prize, which will be awarded via bank transfer within 30 days from the winning ceremony. To proceed with the award payment, the organising team will get in touch with the winner to collect relevant information. 

                    The prize winner will also receive an invitation for ONE person to three events (including the Accelerator4Crafts, the annual SIF Skillman International Forum, and the Tracks4Crafts exhibition). The invitation includes the travel and accommodation expenses only, and must not exceed a total amount of 1000 euros.

                    To submit a candidature, applicants must do the following:

                    The video must contain the following:

                    1. Information about the applicant and/or her/his team

                      Self-introduction and location (where you are, where you work/study/volunteer, what you do).

                    2. Your project/idea explained

                    • What were the initial challenges/problems that you wanted to tackle?

                    • How did you come up with your project/idea?

                    • What methodology was implemented and how has your project/idea solved those challenges/problems?

                    • How is your project/idea innovative/unique?

                    • What resources were necessary to implement your method and who has benefited from the implementation of your project/idea?

                    • Is your project sustainable in the future and what social impact has it generated?

                    Evaluation criteria

                    Each submission is evaluated by a team of 4 experts in the sector of handicrafts from the following organisations:

                    This Tracks4Crafts jury is involved as partners in the Tracks4Crafts EU-funded project, which is on a mission to transform the transmission of Traditional Crafts Knowledge (TCK) and enhance the societal and economic valuation of crafts in Europe, through the following 4 Tracks:
                    - Transforming learning processes in physical spaces in which crafts people collaborate (in hi-tech environments, including fab labs and maker spaces etc.), 
                    Developing new digital technologies that enhance and transform transmission of TCK, (3) produce tools and instruments which enable capturing and  optimising the value of the produced TCK (business modelling, certification and property protection)  Creating networks to foster and disseminate the societal and economic value of TCK (e.g. through the CHARTER-alliance). 

                    The evaluation criteria involve:

                    Problem Definition:  Does the candidature express a clear and deep understanding of the problem? Is it addressing a clear idea? Is the societal need clearly articulated? Does the candidature understand the ecosystem that surrounds the problem?

                    5 = The candidature has clearly defined the problem and demonstrates a deep understanding of how the idea fills the need

                    3 = The candidature is clear on the problem, but not articulate on how the idea meets the need (or vice versa)

                    1 = The candidature is unclear or demonstrates a limited understanding of the problem

                    Target Definition:  Does the candidature define the targets well? Does the candidature express a clear understanding of its targets’ needs? 

                    5 = The candidature has properly identified and clearly defined the target, reaching out and listening to a range of potential stakeholders in effective ways, learning from their experiences, and making significant adjustments when necessary.

                    3 = The candidate has conducted some discovery and has made some adjustments based on what they have learned.

                    1 = The candidate has not conducted significant (or effective) discovery about the target and its needs.

                    Method Definition:  Has the candidature clearly defined a method or a solution to a problem? Is the value proposition clear? Does the method address a clear point and the needs of its defined targets?

                    5 = The candidate has a clearly defined solution that is well matched to target needs.

                    3 = The candidate has a clear solution, but is not clear on how it meets the needs.

                    1 = The candidature has an unclear method definition.

                    Innovation or uniqueness:  Is the solution distinctive or fundamentally different from existing approaches? Could the solution be implemented and sustained in the real world? Would the solution inspire people to support it – and you?

                    5 = Breakthrough innovation that potentially changes how the impact is achieved; generates enthusiasm and support.

                    3 = Moderately innovative; different but not game-changing.

                    1 = Interesting idea, but not fundamentally or distinctively innovative.

                    Sustainability:  Has the candidature developed a plan for the sustainability of its innovation? (For this competition, sustainability means the ability to continually generate revenue to sustain the operations of the implemented method.)

                    5 = The candidature displays a solid plan to make the operations sustainable.

                    3 = The candidate has thought about how to make the operations sustainable, but still has significant gaps in its plan.

                    1 = The candidate does not have a viable plan for how to sustain the operations.

                    Potential for social impact:  Does the candidature clearly define a societal problem? Does the solution demonstrate the potential to change how the impact is achieved? Does the solution make life better for the target population? How much potential exists for scaling the candidate's social impact?

                    5 = The candidature has clearly defined the potential for exceptional impact.

                    3 = The candidature demonstrates a believable impact on a modest scale.

                    1 = The candidature demonstrates unclear or limited impact.

                    To be eligible to participate, you must meet the following criteria:

                    • You must be at least 18 years of age.

                    • You must have the right or authority (copyright-free materials) to submit your project for review and publishing.

                    • All submissions must be received by August 30, 2024, before 11:59 PM CET.

                    • All submissions must be in English (English subtitles to videos are welcome too, where applicable)

                    • Read and accept the above regulations.

                     Applicants who do not meet the above criteria will not be considered for participation in the competition.

                    Once the call for submissions is closed, the Tracks4Crafts team will select the best ideas and the final ranking will be published on the official event’s webpage and on our social media accounts on September 30, 2024. 

                    Partners with us

                    The Tracks4Crafts video contest would not be possible without the support of our partners to reach the broader public.

                    With participation from around the globe, the Tracks4Crafts video contest reflect the diversity of its community; the need for a common recognition platform; and standards of excellence to represent the wide breadth and impact of ethical skills in the handicrafts sector. 

                    The contest serves as a reference to build upon in the coming years and provide both professionals and students with tangible examples of the best work in this field today.