Unveiling Geneva's Creative Nexus
Where Craftsmanship Meets Innovation!

Delving into Geneva's cultural landscape, our recent field research that Prof. dr. Annick Schramme and Laura D’hoore have conducted, has unearthed a captivating fusion of technology, society, and sustainability within the realm of craftsmanship.
, spearheaded by Cristina Olivotto, embodies this ethos, blending digital innovation with traditional values.

Collaborating with initiatives such as FONDETEC's AXEL program and forging partnerships with institutions like Manufacture Collaborative (MACO), Onl’fait champions a culture of continuous learning and collaborative innovation. Here, artisans are empowered to harmonize tradition with modernity.

Geneva's bustling ecosystem of craft associations serves as a fertile breeding ground for innovation. Onl’fait, in its quest, aims to cultivate an interconnected ecosystem where comprehension, exploration, and action converge seamlessly. FONDETEC's AXEL program, nestled within this vibrant ecosystem, offers a blend of financial mentorship and hands-on crafting education, nurturing the spirit of entrepreneurship and ingenuity. Similarly, API's strategic alliances with entities like Onl’fait underscore its unwavering dedication to preserving industrial legacy through community engagement and knowledge exchange.

Our expedition through Geneva has shed light on the transformative potential of collaboration, innovation, and tradition in safeguarding our cultural heritage and propelling craftsmanship into the future.

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