Exploring Tradition Through Digital Weaving

From August 16th to 18th, 2024, the Textile Center in Blönduós, Iceland, hosted a digital weaving workshop that brought together participants from across Iceland, Sweden, the United States, and Norway.
This immersive workshop, held at the Textile Lab, introduced participants to the foundational techniques of TC2 loom weaving, emphasizing the integration of digital tools in traditional craftsmanship.

Under the guidance of weaving expert Ragnheiður Björk Þórsdóttir and fashion designer Guðbjörg Þóra Stefánsdóttir, attendees explored how to translate traditional weaving patterns into digital formats.

Using Photoshop and other design tools, participants learned to prepare files for weaving, blending ancient techniques with modern technology. The hands-on nature of the workshop provided an exciting opportunity for collaboration among a diverse group of artists and enthusiasts, allowing for an exchange of skills and cultural perspectives.

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